Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Field Trips further Poetic Knowledge – Orange County Private School



Grace Classical Academy’s science this year includes insect studies.  Our book knowledge was beautifully enrichened by a trip to Starr Ranch to capture and study under a microscope actual, real-life BUGS!   It was a glorious day to be outside on the stunning grounds of Starr Ranch.  The microscope enlargements were fascinating, yielding up-close-personal  images of hairy spider legs and amazing multi-lensed grasshopper eyes.  The students were completely enthralled.

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pictures courtesy of Susan Keller Photography

Grace Classical Academy

We are a distinctly Christian, Classical School in Laguna Niquel, CA. We seek to cultivate wisdom and virtue through the classical tradition in a distinctively Christ-centered way. This serves to prepare students for a God-glorifying life characterized by appreciating and applying truth, beauty and goodness.


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