Wednesday, November 17, 2010

ThanksGiving Festivities Meet History Lesson.

_MG_6678 One of Grace Classical Academy’s distinctives is its commitment to teach history chronologically.  This year, Miss Huband’s 5th/6th grade class is studying Early Modern times, including the beginning days of the United States of America.  In honor of Thanksgiving and to add poetic knowledge to her students’ study of the Pilgrims, Miss Huband organized a Thanksgiving Feast.  Each place setting included 5 kernels of corn to remind the students that during the first hard winter, the Pilgrim's daily ration of food plummeted to five mere kernels of corn.  The students also enjoyed turkey, corn bread, pumpkin soup, green beans, cider, and apple pie.


Orange County Private Christian School

Grace Classical Academy

We are a distinctly Christian, Classical School in Laguna Niquel, CA. We seek to cultivate wisdom and virtue through the classical tradition in a distinctively Christ-centered way. This serves to prepare students for a God-glorifying life characterized by appreciating and applying truth, beauty and goodness.


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